Event Series SMART Recovery (Lincoln)

SMART Recovery (Lincoln)

Lincoln Wellness and Education Center 5530 O St., Ste. 2, Lincoln, United States

Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) is an evidenced-based recovery method that supports people with substance use or behaviors they want to change.

Event Series Recovery Zumba (Lincoln)

Recovery Zumba (Lincoln)

Lincoln Wellness and Education Center 5530 O St., Ste. 2, Lincoln, United States

A supportive environment to engage in joyful movement while promoting physical health, stress relief, social interaction, and overall mental wellness.

Event Series WRAP (Lincoln)

WRAP (Lincoln)

Lincoln Wellness and Education Center 5530 O St., Ste. 2, Lincoln, United States

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) supports you in identifying wellness tools and creating action plans to implement in your everyday life.